Sky Publishing Tirion Atlas 2000.0, Desk, 2nd Ed. (Black Stars/White Background)
Manufacturer Part # 0-521-65433-5
A convenient set of 26 individual star charts for planning future observing sessions. The best-selling Tirion Sky Atlas 2000.0 is the standard against which all other amateur astronomy star charts are measured.
The completely revised and updated Tirion Desk Atlas charts show accurate Epoch 2000.0 star positions for the entire sky. 81,312 single, multiple, and variable stars down to magnitude 8.5 are plotted, in a generous scale of 2.85 degrees per inch. Also plotted are 2,700 deep sky objects (many labeled with their popular names as well as their NGC, IC, or Messier designations). Milky Way and constellation boundaries are shown. Stars are designated by their proper names, Flamsteed numbers, and Bayer letters. Various symbols show stellar magnitudes in one magnitude increments; double and multiple stars with their joint magnitudes shown to the nearest full magnitude (with individual components plotted if separated by more than one arc minute); variable stars with their maximum magnitude shown rounded to the nearest full magnitude; novas that exceeded 8th magnitude, with the year of the outburst shown; open clusters (drawn to scale if 10 arc minutes in diameter or larger); three symbols for globular clusters to show increasing diameters in 5 arc minute increments; planetary nebulas with three symbols showing increasing diameters in 30 arc second increments; bright diffuse nebulas (drawn to scale if larger than 10 arc minutes); and galaxies drawn to scale if more than 30 arc seconds across and with three symbols showing decreasing width in 10 arc second increments below that size.
The charts also include expanded scale inserts of deep sky areas of particular interest. The star and object symbols are printed in black against a white sky background for easier planning of future observing sessions in the home when seeing conditions don't allow observing. Using a low brightness red flashlight will also allow the white Desk Atlas charts to be used in the field without seriously affecting your dark adapted vision, although the white on black Field Atlas charts would be a better choice for use at the scope.
The Desk Atlas comes with a transparent acetate grid overlay that allows very precise right ascension and declination position measurements. The 26 loose 18-3/8" x 13-1/2" charts of the Desk Atlas allow you to take out to the scope only those individual charts that are important for the evening's observing. An optional chart carrying case #A9550 is available to hold the charts flat and protect them from dew and coffee stains while in use.
Tech Details:
Warranty | No Warranty |