iOptron Mini Pier
Manufacturer Part # 8032
iOptron® MiniPier is designed for iOptron GOTO mounts to provide 8" extra telescope height. The MiniPier fits on various iOptron tripods/piers, as well other brands tripods with some DIY.
iOptron® MiniPier is designed for iOptron GOTO mounts to provide 8" extra telescope height. The MiniPier fits on various iOptron tripods/piers, as well other brand tripod with some DIY.iOptron® MiniPier is designed for iOptron GOTO mounts to provide 8" extra telescope height. The MiniPier fits on various iOptron tripods/piers, as well other brand tripod with some DIY.
The MiniPier fits these iOptron tripod/pier
- LiteRoc Tripod for AZ Mount Pro, CEM60/70
- MiniTower 1.5" Tripod
- MiniTower 2" Tripod
- AZ Mount Pro Tripod
- iEQ45/CEM60 Tripod
- 48-inch Pier (#8030) and 42-inch Pier (#8033)
- Tri-Pier (#8034)
- DO NOT fit on iEQ30 Tripod
The following mounts can be mounted onto the MiniPier:
- CEM70
- CEM60
- CEM40/GEM45 (won't fit on CEM40/GEM45 tripod, may limit low latitude application)
- HAE43/HEM44 (may limit low latitude application)
- iEQ45/iEQ45 Pro
- iEQ30/iEQ30 Pro (won't fit on iEQ30 tripod, may limit low latitude application)
- AZ Mount Pro/MiniTower/MiniTower II/MiniTower Pro
- Other mount with #8036 adapter
Tech Details:
Pier Diameter: Ø5.7" (Ø144 mm) with 150mm top plate
Height: 8" (200 mm)