Galaxies And the Universe, Closeout
Manufacturer Part # 18538
Subtitled "An Observing Guide from Deep Sky Magazine," this helpful guide to the heavens was edited by David Eicher, associate editor of Astronomy magazine, to include a wide range of information on observing galaxies, galaxies, and more galaxies. It includes observing tips for exploring Andromeda, the Local Group, interacting galaxies, the biggest and brightest galaxies visible to the amateur astronomer, plus faint and distant galaxies that will challenge even the experienced observer. Includes 69 black and white photos, 22 color photos, 55 eyepiece sketches, extensive tabular information, annotated finder charts, and detailed visual descriptions of hundreds of galaxies and subtle features within galaxies. 112 softbound 8.25" x 11" pages. We bought 1100 of them and got them at a special low price that allows us to sell them for less than regular dealer cost.